Release Notes RAPTOR SERVER v1.18
[GUI] RAPTOR SERVER Now Supports Tenant-Specific Blacklisting and Whitelisting for specific QR-Code Batches
We have extended the use of the tenant-specific whitelisting feature to allow users with the tenant access right 'Can manage basic tenant configuration' to also be able to blacklist specific batches.
To access this new feature, click Menu (on the top right) ➡️ Tenant-Admin ➡️ Configure Tenant
[GUI] It's Now Possible to Move the Entire Grid on the Array Page with More Degrees of Freedom
We have improved the design of this function so that when the user moves the entire grid on the array page, either by holding down the SHIFT key or by checking the corresponding box in the GUI, the movement is not restricted to short boundaries, but to the edges of the Image.
To try this new feature, go to a New Measurement ➡️ Array Page
[GUI] [API] ASTM Exports Now Support Greater Than and Less Than Values, Standardising Information Across Export Formats
As part of the display standarisation work we have done, now ASTM exports with values below or above the threshold are not displayed as concrete values anymore, but as ranges using the 'less than' and 'greater than' symbols as in the rest of the formats.
Note that this change will also affect the ASTM exports retrieved via API, and may require the intervention of the IT department that manages the LIS/HIS.
ALEX² ASTM export:
[GUI] [API] The Display of FOX Specific Measurements Has Been Standardised and Values Are Now Displayed As Ranges Throughout
Continuing with the value display standarisation, previously, FOX measurements values below the threshold (< 5 µg/ml) or above the threshold (> 50 µg/ml) were not displayed in the same way in the different visualisation formats. From v 1.18 onwards, values are displayed as ranges using the less than and greater than symbols throughout. See examples below:
PDF Report:
Excel export:
CSV export:
ASTM export:
[GUI] [API] Sampling and Assay Date Cannot Be Set Later Than the Received Date
As both the Sampling Date and the Assay Date are optional fields, manually entered by the user, we have added a new validation to ensure that the patient information is less likely to contain errors. If you try to enter either of these dates later than the Received Date of the measurement to RAPTOR SERVER, a warning message will appear.
This also applies to the API Calls using the endpoint PUT/measurement/(id) to enter data to the measurements:
[API] New API Parameters for Retrieving PDF Reports, Such as Language and Report Templates
When retrieving a PDF report using the GET/measurement/(id)/report and POST/measurement/(id)/report endpoints, it is now possible to use two new optional parameters: 'language' and 'template'. To use the language parameter, please ensure that you use the ISO 639-1 two-letter code (e.g.: "en"). Please note that this change does not affect current API calls using this endpoint. More information about this new option can be found in the documentation on our Swagger page.
[MAX 9k / 45k] The Table in the Run Log Page Shows the Volumes of Samples Pipetted in the Event of an Error
It's now easier for RAPTOR SERVER users to identify a possible pipetting error after a run. If an error or warning is triggered due to a possible pipetting problem for a specific sample, a new column will appear on the right of the table showing the measured pipetted volume of the sample.
Please note that these are proxy values derived from the coordinates and may not be accurate.
Full List of Changes
- RAPTOR SERVER now supports tenant-specific blacklisting and whitelisting for QR-Code batches.
- It's now possible to move the entire grid on the array page with more degrees of freedom.
- There is an updated PAX definition.
- ASTM exports now support greater than and less than values, standardising information across export formats.
- The display of FOX specific measurements has been standardised and values are now displayed as ranges throughout.
- Values above or below the thresholds have been streamlined in reports, GUI and exports, using the symbols less than and greater than.
- Sampling and Assay Date cannot be set later than the Received Date anymore.
- Result Sharing Portal now uses the same language coding for report selection as RAPTOR SERVER.
- A new information text referring to the report template setting is displayed on the report page each time an interpretation (RAVEN) is included.
- Swiss German (de-CH) is now supported as a language.
- Report template names with special characters are now supported in the report preview.
- The default report template setting for ALEX1 on the tenant settings page has been removed, as ALEX1 has been already discontinued.
- The units of the values in FOX and PAX ASTM exports have been fixed.
- The Excel export limit before creating a zip file has been increased from 10 to 50 (which covers a full MAX 45k run).
- New API parameters for retrieving PDF reports, such as language and report templates.
- PDF reports retrieved via the API are now named according to the template settings.
MAX 9k / 45k
- The table in the Run Log page shows the volumes of samples pipetted in the event of an error.
- Improved and more accurate display of errors in the table on the Run Log page.
- If an error occurs during the execution of a MAX run, it is automatically marked as aborted by MAX device and the polling of the MAX run status is stopped.
- The QC-Sample trends page displays a message if there are no charts to display.
- The device status label in the Agent has been fixed and no longer disappears when the tenant name is too long and the screen size is too small.